Oumarou programme

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Sponsorship Programme for Hearing-Impaired Children

Millions of children are currently excluded from the medical care they need.

Access to education is very difficult for children in Sub-Saharan Africa and literally impossible for the poorest among the poor.

In Burkina Faso, the rate of hearing-impaired children is very high because of illnesses such as meningitis. These children have serious communication problems and difficult access to education.

The objective of the “Oumarou Programme” is to give all these children a chance to live with dignity.


… estos niños son sordos, pero si les hablas desde el corazón


The monthly cost of sponsoring one child is 35 €.

– Sign language learning.
– Schooling sponsored children.
– Specialized medical care.
– Hearing aids fitting.
– Hearing aids maintenance and care.

Sponsor one child from 7 €/month.