Current status of the project

Slide background

Activity Oumarou 2019-2020

During 2015 and 2016, we have been fully involved in the Oumarou Programme.

  • 35 families have been trained in audiological issues.
  • 44 children screened.
  • 15 children on the waiting list to be part of the Oumarou Program.
  • 340 patients visited in ENT.
  • Special activities for the children of the Program at the Training Medical Center.
  • Social assistance for some families in the Program.
  • 15 bicycles for school trips.
  • Possible work contracts for the children’s parents and guardians.
  • Awareness meetings with the families of the Program.

During the academic year 2020-2021 we are working on the creation of micro projects that will allow the young people in the Program who turn 18 to become self-sufficient in their own support.


… these children are deaf, but if you speak to them from the heart


Activity Oumarou 2015-2016

Durante el 2015 y 2016 hemos seguido de pleno en el Programa Oumarou.

  • 30 familias han sido formadas en temas audiológicos
  • 40 niños revisados
  • 30 audífonos adaptados revisados
  • 14 niños incluidos en el Programa Oumarou
  • 260 pacientes visitados en ORL